Photo Gallery - 3              Evita 2002

                                                                          Backstage images

                                                       Curtain down - Gina Davies and Tony Clare cast Curtain down, Michelle Groom, Stewart Dennett, Tony Clare, Gina Davies

                                            Curtain down - Sharon Henderson and Mike Carr cast
Curtain down with Danielle Greenall, Keith Phillips, Rob Poston, Sharon Henderson and Mike Carr

Steve Lomax and Children
                                                            Stage Manager Steve Lomax and children

Alf Gatfield, Mark Williamson, Joanne Ellis, Vicky Casement, Michelle Groom

Irene Nugent, Joan Rees-Jones   Chris Mullineux, Sharon Henderson
       Tea making with Irene Nugent & Joan Rees-Jones                            Chris Mullineux and Sharon Henderson

                                                                                        Children's cast backstage